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Sunday, November 19, 2006



CHECK IT OUT !! I PIERCED MY EARS FOR THE THIRD TIME NOW.. LOL! 8-) well it hurt.. I'll post the pics on here. CHECK EM OUT AND be ..thrilled.. :) THATS THE LEFT EAR.. its not very clear but hey webcam eh? errhur hurrhurr hairs pretty messy. Well i pierced it with NICK and hahaha..he was scared.. i was afraid... mister dude working over at the piercing place scared me, you should have seen him.. mean BUT HEY i pierced my ears!! :)

posted by: Cheers_Darling @ 6:58 PM


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Saturday, November 18, 2006


Here Are the t-shirt designs! Really cool huh.. 8-)

posted by: Cheers_Darling @ 12:53 PM


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HELLO!! Rachel Is back. Aren't you supprised one bit at all?! I bet you are HAHAHA :) Well, I bet hardly no one really notice me gone nehoos AM I RIGHT oh wait maybe most of you did but HEY I'm back thats the main point. I'm always back... ;P Alright So some updates on my life lately , see thats what a blog is for am i right? Yes im right, I'm always right.. Like duh 8-) LOL
Firstly, I just had to re-typed this whole darn thing all over again because i clicked something which i knew i shouldnt have but i still did and it just refreshed the whole darn thing and I HAVE TO START ALL OVER URGGGHHHHH :\ But fine since Cherie Ngo Insisted i update my blog cause I'm some dead link on hers ..NA J/K BUT THATS A FACT LOL.
Secondly, Alright, alright lets get back on track. Well lately i have been pretty much occupied with my new job as a temp stuff over at Singapore Technology Aerospace.. Sounds pretty professional HUH?! Yes it does and its true im working there and in-fact I'm the youngest chick working there and in History .. In ST Aerospace..LOL amazing eh when i heard that i thought to myself.. WHY DONT THEY COME INTERVIEW ME AND WRITE A WHOLE COLUMN ON THEIR MAGAZINE .. 8-) LOL na im J/k but it would be really, really cool if that happened HAHAHA :) Oh Oh ANd they dont pay me good btw..they only pay me $5.50 per hour?! How cheap am i?! LOL but hey the thing is that i get experience anddd i meet many new mates there who are twice my age LOl but theyre really fun though!
Thirdly, I've been shopping lately and I've bought much stuff such as Jackets, shirts, working pants, HEELS That must have shocked a huge amount of people .. LOL might have suffered a major serious deadly heart-attack IM SO SORRY IF YOU NEARLY SUFFERED THAT.. lol! But yes Its true i've been wearing heels during the weekdays and i realise I'm actually pretty good aat that.. It should become a sport for only women but hey Gay.. Welcomed? LOL but ANYWAYS thats not really the point.. 8-) (AND I'M REALLY TALL WEARING THOSE FEEL PRETTY AWESOME ACTUALLY ) bahahaa.. :D
Forthly, Anna and I are gna move over to my cuzzins place around 27th or 26th of November 2006. Cause of some reason that in fact is a very long story which ir eally cant be arsed typing it all out. But hey i hope through this we could get to know our cuzzins more and love them even more! hahaha i bet were guna have the time of our lives over there (hopefully) LOL
LASTLY, My jackass computer's hard disk had to crash.. PFT and i have to go buy one to replace it..and the thing is that ALL MY MEMORY WOULD BE GONE ALL MY SONGS..AHHH but hey ITS OKAY! *breaths* i'll just got to start all over again.. discovering new music.. LOL ..effort.. ah..

But waittt i wana show you guys some t-shirt designs i plan on printing soon when i have the time to :) Check em out. But sadly blogger is being an ass.. And not positng my picsss!!! I'll try again laters

posted by: Cheers_Darling @ 12:29 PM


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